I am broken and beautiful.
Until I finally owned both of these terms and poured love within I was just broken. Life is full of challenges, some people seem to have more than others. Challenges bring about the biggest growth, if we allow the growth to occur.
I am here to show you a way to be able to walk through your challenges, own your life, and come out the other side. Imagine, standing tall, your feet firmly planted, shoulders rolled back, arms outstretched, palms facing the sun, chin raised, eyes wide open, and your heart as full as possible because you are everything you always dreamed you could be.
I have been to the bottom and back two times. I know pain. I have suffered. I have self-medicated. I have used all the wrong methods to try and become whole. I spent ten years fueling my body with drugs and alcohol until I found sobriety. After fourteen years sober, I hit rock bottom for the second time, in my marriage. Walking away from everything I had built with my two babies was the hardest, most brutal time in my life.
I made a decision to step into my greatness. Today, I fill my life with goodness. I choose health and wellness. I pour love within me. I fuel my body with premium nutrition. I move my body. I have changed the negative dialogue inside my head. I lead with my heart. We thrive when our heads are aligned with our hearts. I celebrate me and have designed a life of my dreams. Every single goal I have set, I have accomplished. I started racing again and own a Pan Am Masters World Record! My life is BRUTIFUL – all the beautiful and brutal moments melting together. I feel alive and present today.
Place your hand heart center. Tell yourself you love you and you are doing a great job. Breathe into your hand. Feel the breath course through your body.
Repeat this affirmation: I am beautiful. I am strong. I am kind. I am sexy. I am a badass!
Own it, live it, pouring love within yourself every single day.
I coach and advise people just like you – I will provide you with the strategies needed to reach your fullest potential.
With the Power To Believe, You Can Achieve! Let’s get started.